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2024 ISHP CPD Seminar

Date, time & venue

2024-05-11;1:45 - 5:00pm;KB526, 5/F, Knowles Building, HKU

 2024 ISHP CPD Seminar
Language: Cantonese with Bilingual PPT

Venue: KB526, 5/F, Knowles Building, HKU

Date: 11 May, 2024 (SAT)

Time: 1:45 - 5:00pm

Enquires: info@ishp.org.hk

1. Emerging AIGC & ChatGPT Applications on Construction Safety (1.5hr) 

2. What is Smart Site Safety System (SSSS)? (1.5hr)

  • Institute of Safety & Health Practitioners (ISHP)
  • Department of Real Estate and Construction, HKU
Supporting Organizations:
  • The Hong Kong Federation of Occupational Safety and Health Associations (HKFOSHA)
  • Safety Specialist Committee (SSC) Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE)
  • Building Division (Building) Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE)
  • Young Members Committee (YMC) Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE)
Speakers :
  • Peter Lai (Chairman of R&D Committee, ISHP; CEO, iSafety; MEng(MIT), FISHP) 
  • Dr. Ivan Fung (Hon. Chairman & Founding EC of ISHP; CEO, iCare Tech.(HK); PhD (CityU); FISHP)





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