Safety Specialist Committee

Chairman’s message

By Ir Tse Wing Fung, Victor

I am very honored to be elected as Chairman HKIE Safety Specialist Committee for the Session of 2024/2025. On behalf of the Committee (SSC), I would like to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to all members. 

SSC has long been serving the institution with a very strong base of professional members. May I also express my gratitude to all Past Chairman and fellow committee members who did work diligently on upkeeping the work and being part of the safety professionals in the industry on consistently promoting safety engineering with this solid foundation. 

Safety Engineering becomes one of the major topic in the industry recently, in view of that SSC will continuously work to provide a strong support on organizing seminars, technical visits as well supporting different professional organization like Construction Industry Council (CIC) and Occupational Safety and Health Council (OSHC) on safety initiatives to uplift the safety standard of professionals. 

We have also always been supporting and nurturing young potential engineers and promoting the engineering professions in safety, every year we organize Student Competition to keep our link with local Universities and promote their best Final Year Project. With this in mind, we hope we can attract more and more competent safety practitioners to become members, and one of our goal is to ensure safety is not just a supporting role anymore, but as part of the profession leading our daily mindsets in engineering. 

 I am sure at 2024 especially when everybody is talking about A.I., digital and innovation, there are much more work we can do on promoting safety in a different angle. With a team of energetic and cheerful committee members, we are committed to serve and grow together on this year.